About Kanyin


Started in 2002 at a small corner in an apartment, it was beyond our wildest imagination the profound impact we would be creating for our readers and society today.

By being selective in contents we want to publish, we work closely with authors, bookstores and our partners with the commitment to provide our readers and customers the best content and reading materials. We turn success stories and practical real-life experiences into legacies that will change, inspire and impact our readers and society in a meaningful and positive way.

We wish to promote a knowledge-based society through reading as we believe that reading is food for the mind and soul.

With that goal in mind, we are now one of the leading homegrown publishers and distributors of biographies, self-help, motivation, health, personal financial, investment, branding and management books written by Malaysians for ASEAN.


A book has a deeper meaning than just a book. The book you read represents who you are. We believe that each book is a crafted piece of art. It represents a human’s soul and its aspiration.

We are crafting human arts: By Malaysians, Beyond Malaysia.

